Lenten retreat: ‘Transformed by Love’
Mar 12 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

20 February, 27 February, 5 March, 12 March, 19 March, 26 March

To sign up for the series, click on the Zoom link: Meeting Registration

Light of Truth’: as Dominican Sisters, our mission is to proclaim the Gospel by our lives and words. We are in the UK, in the New Forest, and live a community life of prayer and praise, of study and preaching, according to our Dominican tradition. With ‘Light of Truth’, we hope to share with everyone the fruits of our contemplation: the fruit of our prayer, of our academic formation and of our rich experience of working with adults, catechists and young people at the services of parishes and dioceses in the last 25 years. Through ‘Light of Truth’, we aim to offer a formation which will provide a rich experience of the fraternal life of our community and of the fellowship of the Church. Partnering with expert lay formators, we want to offer the best content and the best experience possible to help everyone grow in faith, hope and charity.

You can find other courses run by ‘Light of Truth’ here: Join now | Light of Truth

We suggest a donation of £5 per person per session for any of the ‘Light of Truth’ courses, their details can be found here: Contact | Light of Truth

Liturgy of Reconciliation during the Season of Lent
Mar 13 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Bishop Declan is to celebrate Liturgies of Reconciliation during the Season of Lent at five venues across the diocese. These venues are:

Wednesday 21 February 

St Anthony of Padua, Melksham

Wednesday 28 February

Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Cheddar

Wednesday 6 March 

Holy Family, Patchway

Wednesday 13 March 

St Peter, Gloucester

Wednesday 20 March

Christ the King, Amesbury

with each Liturgy starting at 7pm.

Building upon the beautiful gatherings during Lent he is, once again, inviting our diocesan community to gather with him in celebration of God’s merciful love as part of our Lenten journey.

There will be priests available at each venue to celebrate sacramental reconciliation.

You will be most welcome at any of the five venues.

‘Listening with the Heart’ series – an introduction to small group facilitation
Mar 16 @ 10:15 am – 12:30 pm

These short sessions will help us to develop an attitude of listening with the heart and sharing with generosity. It will provide participants with a model for rooting decision making in prayer and discernment and the tools necessary for effective facilitation.

Dates and venues (including Eventbrite link to register):

Sat 16 March January: St John, Bath (after 9.30am Mass -10:15-12:30)

Please sign up for any of the events on offer via the Eventbrite links. A minimum of five people is required for a session to take place – no upper limit.

Lenten retreat: ‘Transformed by Love’
Mar 19 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

20 February, 27 February, 5 March, 12 March, 19 March, 26 March

To sign up for the series, click on the Zoom link: Meeting Registration

Light of Truth’: as Dominican Sisters, our mission is to proclaim the Gospel by our lives and words. We are in the UK, in the New Forest, and live a community life of prayer and praise, of study and preaching, according to our Dominican tradition. With ‘Light of Truth’, we hope to share with everyone the fruits of our contemplation: the fruit of our prayer, of our academic formation and of our rich experience of working with adults, catechists and young people at the services of parishes and dioceses in the last 25 years. Through ‘Light of Truth’, we aim to offer a formation which will provide a rich experience of the fraternal life of our community and of the fellowship of the Church. Partnering with expert lay formators, we want to offer the best content and the best experience possible to help everyone grow in faith, hope and charity.

You can find other courses run by ‘Light of Truth’ here: Join now | Light of Truth

We suggest a donation of £5 per person per session for any of the ‘Light of Truth’ courses, their details can be found here: Contact | Light of Truth

Liturgy of Reconciliation during the Season of Lent
Mar 20 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Bishop Declan is to celebrate Liturgies of Reconciliation during the Season of Lent at five venues across the diocese. These venues are:

Wednesday 21 February 

St Anthony of Padua, Melksham

Wednesday 28 February

Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Cheddar

Wednesday 6 March 

Holy Family, Patchway

Wednesday 13 March 

St Peter, Gloucester

Wednesday 20 March

Christ the King, Amesbury

with each Liturgy starting at 7pm.

Building upon the beautiful gatherings during Lent he is, once again, inviting our diocesan community to gather with him in celebration of God’s merciful love as part of our Lenten journey.

There will be priests available at each venue to celebrate sacramental reconciliation.

You will be most welcome at any of the five venues.

Lenten retreat: ‘Transformed by Love’
Mar 26 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

20 February, 27 February, 5 March, 12 March, 19 March, 26 March

To sign up for the series, click on the Zoom link: Meeting Registration

Light of Truth’: as Dominican Sisters, our mission is to proclaim the Gospel by our lives and words. We are in the UK, in the New Forest, and live a community life of prayer and praise, of study and preaching, according to our Dominican tradition. With ‘Light of Truth’, we hope to share with everyone the fruits of our contemplation: the fruit of our prayer, of our academic formation and of our rich experience of working with adults, catechists and young people at the services of parishes and dioceses in the last 25 years. Through ‘Light of Truth’, we aim to offer a formation which will provide a rich experience of the fraternal life of our community and of the fellowship of the Church. Partnering with expert lay formators, we want to offer the best content and the best experience possible to help everyone grow in faith, hope and charity.

You can find other courses run by ‘Light of Truth’ here: Join now | Light of Truth

We suggest a donation of £5 per person per session for any of the ‘Light of Truth’ courses, their details can be found here: Contact | Light of Truth

Chrism Mass @ Clifton Cathedral
Mar 27 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Chrism Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday 27th March at Clifton Cathedral. Bishop Declan will bless the three oils — the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick and holy chrism.

Chrism mass 2018


Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions
Apr 9 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions

Six-session online course starting Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm-9pm

Clifton Diocese in partnership with ‘Light of Truth’ are offering a short course to find the best words to give an account of our faith and answer the hard questions Catholics can be asked about God, Jesus, the Church, morality and Catholic practices. 

The six sessions begin at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening:

1. God – Creator and Revealer – 9 April

2. Jesus Christ – God in History – 16 April

3. The Church – Service and Authority – 23 April

4. The Human Person – Body and Soul – 30 April

5. Christian Morality – Grace and Happiness – 7 May

6. Catholic Practices – Weird and Wonderful – 14 May

There will be opportunities for you to ask your own questions as well.

To sign up for the series, please click on the Zoom link below: 

Meeting Registration – Zoom

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions
Apr 16 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions

Six-session online course starting Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm-9pm

Clifton Diocese in partnership with ‘Light of Truth’ are offering a short course to find the best words to give an account of our faith and answer the hard questions Catholics can be asked about God, Jesus, the Church, morality and Catholic practices. 

The six sessions begin at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening:

1. God – Creator and Revealer – 9 April

2. Jesus Christ – God in History – 16 April

3. The Church – Service and Authority – 23 April

4. The Human Person – Body and Soul – 30 April

5. Christian Morality – Grace and Happiness – 7 May

6. Catholic Practices – Weird and Wonderful – 14 May

There will be opportunities for you to ask your own questions as well.

To sign up for the series, please click on the Zoom link below: 

Meeting Registration – Zoom

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Apr 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions
Apr 23 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions

Six-session online course starting Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm-9pm

Clifton Diocese in partnership with ‘Light of Truth’ are offering a short course to find the best words to give an account of our faith and answer the hard questions Catholics can be asked about God, Jesus, the Church, morality and Catholic practices. 

The six sessions begin at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening:

1. God – Creator and Revealer – 9 April

2. Jesus Christ – God in History – 16 April

3. The Church – Service and Authority – 23 April

4. The Human Person – Body and Soul – 30 April

5. Christian Morality – Grace and Happiness – 7 May

6. Catholic Practices – Weird and Wonderful – 14 May

There will be opportunities for you to ask your own questions as well.

To sign up for the series, please click on the Zoom link below: 

Meeting Registration – Zoom

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Apr 24 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Lord, Teach us to Pray @ St John the Evangelist
Apr 30 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Sr Maria – Brownshill Monastery);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, you can watch live on St John’s website here: St. John the Evangelist – Catholic Church

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions
Apr 30 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions

Six-session online course starting Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm-9pm

Clifton Diocese in partnership with ‘Light of Truth’ are offering a short course to find the best words to give an account of our faith and answer the hard questions Catholics can be asked about God, Jesus, the Church, morality and Catholic practices. 

The six sessions begin at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening:

1. God – Creator and Revealer – 9 April

2. Jesus Christ – God in History – 16 April

3. The Church – Service and Authority – 23 April

4. The Human Person – Body and Soul – 30 April

5. Christian Morality – Grace and Happiness – 7 May

6. Catholic Practices – Weird and Wonderful – 14 May

There will be opportunities for you to ask your own questions as well.

To sign up for the series, please click on the Zoom link below: 

Meeting Registration – Zoom

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
May 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions
May 7 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions

Six-session online course starting Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm-9pm

Clifton Diocese in partnership with ‘Light of Truth’ are offering a short course to find the best words to give an account of our faith and answer the hard questions Catholics can be asked about God, Jesus, the Church, morality and Catholic practices. 

The six sessions begin at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening:

1. God – Creator and Revealer – 9 April

2. Jesus Christ – God in History – 16 April

3. The Church – Service and Authority – 23 April

4. The Human Person – Body and Soul – 30 April

5. Christian Morality – Grace and Happiness – 7 May

6. Catholic Practices – Weird and Wonderful – 14 May

There will be opportunities for you to ask your own questions as well.

To sign up for the series, please click on the Zoom link below: 

Meeting Registration – Zoom

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions
May 14 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Words of Faith: finding the best words to witness to our Faith and answer tough questions

Six-session online course starting Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm-9pm

Clifton Diocese in partnership with ‘Light of Truth’ are offering a short course to find the best words to give an account of our faith and answer the hard questions Catholics can be asked about God, Jesus, the Church, morality and Catholic practices. 

The six sessions begin at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening:

1. God – Creator and Revealer – 9 April

2. Jesus Christ – God in History – 16 April

3. The Church – Service and Authority – 23 April

4. The Human Person – Body and Soul – 30 April

5. Christian Morality – Grace and Happiness – 7 May

6. Catholic Practices – Weird and Wonderful – 14 May

There will be opportunities for you to ask your own questions as well.

To sign up for the series, please click on the Zoom link below: 

Meeting Registration – Zoom

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
May 15 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
May 22 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Celebration of Marriage @ Clifton Cathedral
May 25 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Bishop Declan invites all married couples and those engaged to be married from across the diocese to a Celebration of Marriage Mass at Clifton Cathedral on Saturday 25th May 2024.

Lord, Teach us to Pray @ St John the Evangelist
May 28 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Sr Maria – Brownshill Monastery);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, you can watch live on St John’s website here: St. John the Evangelist – Catholic Church

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Jun 5 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Jun 12 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Jun 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Lord, Teach us to Pray @ St John the Evangelist
Jun 25 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Sr Maria – Brownshill Monastery);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, you can watch live on St John’s website here: St. John the Evangelist – Catholic Church

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Jun 26 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Jul 3 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Diocesan Day @ St Bernadette's Catholic School, Bristol
Jul 6 all-day


Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Jul 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Glastonbury Pilgrimage
Jul 14 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Visit the historically rich and important shrine of Our Lady and let us have a little break from the stresses of our everyday lives and unburden ourselves and open our hearts to God’s love and healing grace during this pilgrimage. It is his will that we live life to the full and to experience a peace that the world cannot give.

Invited – A formation course in Stroud
Jul 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are starting a new formation course in Stroud on a Wednesday evening called ‘Invited’. These formation sessions are for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others. The course will take place April to July this year at The Immaculate Conception parish hall in Stroud. 

Invited – God offers us a radical invitation but what does it mean to say yes? What does it mean to be a Catholic? What do we believe and how do we grow deeper in our Faith? This twelve-week course will enable us to explore a variety of questions relating to Catholic Teaching.

Who is Invited? This is a course for anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith and passing it onto others, so very useful for new and experienced catechists. The course will take place from April to July 2024 at The Immaculate Conception, Stroud. The Wednesday evening dates are:  17th April, 24th April;  1st May, 15th May, 22th May;  5th June, 12th June, 19th June, 26th June;  3rd July, 10th July, 17th July.

For the full outline of the course and to express your interest please complete the booking form on the diocesan website and send to or post to the Department of Adult Education & Evangelisation, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX.

Cost of Full Course £50 or £6 per session (bacs details are on the booking form). Although it is not necessary to attend every session (they are stand-alone) we hope that the group will grow together as a community. As we do not want anyone to feel excluded on the grounds of finance, please contact us at: if you feel unable to afford this, there is a place for everyone. 

Journals – participants are encouraged to bring a book for journalling – help will be given with how to do this.

The sessions will be 7pm to 9pm including time for refreshments.

Catechists booklet

Booking form

Stroud poster

Lord, Teach us to Pray @ St John the Evangelist
Jul 23 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Sr Maria – Brownshill Monastery);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, you can watch live on St John’s website here: St. John the Evangelist – Catholic Church

Lourdes Pilgrimage
Aug 23 – Aug 30 all-day
Lord, Teach us to Pray @ St John the Evangelist
Sep 24 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Sr Maria – Brownshill Monastery);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, you can watch live on St John’s website here: St. John the Evangelist – Catholic Church

Lord, Teach us to Pray @ St John the Evangelist
Oct 29 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Sr Maria – Brownshill Monastery);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, you can watch live on St John’s website here: St. John the Evangelist – Catholic Church

Lord, Teach us to Pray @ St John the Evangelist
Nov 26 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Tuesday 23 January: Lord teach us to pray – how we pray (Fr Tom Dubois);

Tuesday 20 February: The prayer of Jesus (Sr Maria – Brownshill Monastery);

Tuesday 30 April: The prayer of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (Fr John Udris);

Tuesday 28 May: The prayer of St Benedict (Fr Mark Hargreaves OSB);

Tuesday 25 June: The prayer of St Dominic (Sr Hyacinthe and the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph);

Tuesday 23 July: Windows on the Divine – praying with icons (Tamara Penwell);

Tuesday 24 September: The prayer of St Francis and St Clare (Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv);

Tuesday 29 October: The prayer of Carmel (Fr Michael McAndrew);

Tuesday 26 November: The prayer of St Ignatius (Fr James Hanvey SJ).

Each session will take place in the Church and begin at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.

If you are unable to attend any of these sessions, you can watch live on St John’s website here: St. John the Evangelist – Catholic Church