Catechists’ Formation

Throughout the year the department will offer a variety of courses and opportunities for catechists and those interested in becoming catechists to discover more and to grow in this very special ministry

Deanery Based Catechist Course:

In addition to the on-line course,  we would like to offer any deanery that would like us to run a course for catechists to contact us and we will endeavour to provide you with what you need.


The department supports the process of RCIA in our diocesan community offering opportunities to renew and re-energise this process of welcome and initiation. We see this having a direct link with the work of evangelisation. If you would like support to start and RCIA group in your parish, please contact: Sarah Adams –

Celebrating the Rites; why bother?

Retreat day for Catechists:

A retreat day for catechists was held in September 2021. It was an opportunity for catechists to be nurtured in their own spiritual life in a relaxed and prayerful environment.

You can watch the keynote talks below from David Wells and Ingrid La Trobe. These videos are also accompanied by their slide show in PDF format below.

Slides for David Wells: David Wells presentation

Slides for Ingrid La Trobe: Ingrid La Trobe presentation

David Wells part 1

David Wells part 2

David Wells part 3

David Wells part 4

Ingrid La Trobe part 1

Ingrid La Trobe part 2

Ingrid La Trobe part 3

Recommended Reading for Catechists:

New Directory for Catechesis 2021

Companion to the Directory for Catechesis 2021 –

An Evangelising Catechesis published by Our Sunday Visitor 2021


‘Go Make disciples of all the nations!’ – Resources for parishes to engage in the work of evangelisation

‘I encourage you all to embark in a new chapter of evangelisation marked by joy’

Pope Francis

The work of evangelisation has been central to the life of the Church and particularly so since Vatican II when successive Popes have articulated the need for us to reach out to those who may not know Jesus. Every Parish is called to be a parish of mission. The following resources may help your parish to engage in this important work:


Sycamore offers a variety of pathways to enable others to come to know our faith and what it means for us.

CAFÉ – Catholic Faith Exploration –

‘Café resources are a fresh modern approach to evangelisation and formation’

Alpha –

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.

Recommended Reading

Divine Renovation – James Mallon

An Evangelising Catechesis – James C. Pauley

Everyday Evangelisation:

This handy little guide was created some time ago in another diocese and given out as part of their journey through the new evangelisation. It has been re-presented in the hope that these simple, uncomplicated, and every day ways may help each one of us appreciate the ordinary ways we can live out the Gospel.

You can download the leaflet to give out to others here