
National structure and Safeguarding Trustees

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) was set up by The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales as a response to the recommendations of an independent review of the Catholic Church’s safeguarding, in November 2020 (sometimes called the Elliott Report).

The Elliott Report recommended wide-ranging reforms to safeguarding. The need for change was fuelled by respect for those who had suffered, and the desire to prevent future harm.  Vitally, the Review listened and learned from those who had experienced abuse.

The CSSA was set up as a new professional standards body with regulatory powers who exist to regulate all Catholic Church bodies in their One Church approach to safeguarding, and to share what the CSSA find.

Trustee’s Safeguarding Committee Role

The Clifton Diocese Safeguarding Committee has responsibility for managing safeguarding risks and taking reasonable steps to protect from harm everyone who comes into contact with the Diocese.  The purpose of the committee is to assist the Trustees in their delivery of this responsibility.  They also consider the Diocese’s performance to ensure that it is operating within the standards, policies and procedures of the CSSA in order to maintain an overview of safeguarding and report to the Board of Trustees.  Please read the full Terms of Reference document here TOR Safeguarding Committee

The Safeguarding Office Structure, Reporting and Accountability for Clifton Diocese.

Safeguarding Implementation Plan 2024 – 2027

The Trustee’s Safeguarding Committee Members

  • Richard Ashby, Chair
  • Patrick Graves
  • Father David Mills
  • Deacon Paul Brandon
  • Lyn Murray, Chief Operating Officer
  • Janice Pearson, Safeguarding Coordinator
  • Elaine Mashayamombe, Safeguarding Administration