Contacting the Safeguarding Team

You can contact any member of the Safeguarding team below

The Diocesan safeguarding team supports the ministry of the Church by providing a professional and robust support around the protection of children, young people and adults at risk, to ensure that worshipping communities are safe places where all have a positive experience of the Church in which they feel loved, accepted and safe.  All issues will be dealt with in a sensitive and caring manner, in the strictest of confidence.  The dedicated safeguarding team work closely with other agencies including the Police, Probation, Social Services and comply with the standards that are set by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA).  The CSSA has been set up as a professional standards body with regulatory powers which exist to regulate all Catholic Churches.

Safeguarding accountability structure and lines of reporting

The safeguarding office is located at Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX

General enquiries: 0117 954 0993


Safeguarding Coordinator:

Janice Pearson

07887 990 385


Safeguarding Officer:

Tracey Holford

07841 338897

Safeguarding administration:

Elaine Mashayamombe

0117 9540 993

Safer Recruitment Officer:

David Oliva Arbues

0117 9540 993

If you have information of a safeguarding nature where a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires immediate medical attention call the emergency services on 999.