Comments on: Fitness Friday: Niagara Falls International Half Marathon Wed, 09 Nov 2016 20:27:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Boddy Wed, 09 Nov 2016 20:27:16 +0000 In reply to Chelle.

I wasn’t sure if this was going to be a “one and done” thing for me, but as I approached the finish line and saw 2:11 on the clock, my first thought was…….”I’m totally going to do this in under 2 hours the next time”! So, it sounds like I’m in for another! I love your strategy of doing one every 6 months, as that does allow you to go through two training cycles a year and have some time off in between. Niagara was a fantastic experience, so the big thing will be picking another race that’s as wonderful as this one was! Ive been contemplating the Toronto Goodlife Half in early May……….its almost all downhill! Cheers!

By: Chelle Tue, 08 Nov 2016 23:20:11 +0000 In reply to Karen Boddy.

OMG! That’s you?? What are the chances indeed! That’s kind crazy!
Congratulations on running your first ever half marathon! Your first one is always memorable! Do you plan to run any more in the future? I’ve found for me twice a year seems to be a good amount – not sure I could handle more than that!

By: John Hilbing Tue, 08 Nov 2016 23:07:23 +0000 In reply to Chelle.

Last year the medal was significantly different. Round with a horseshoe theme I think, with a spinning Canada / US flag in the middle. I ran the full marathon last year, and this year again. Can’t say the rain was that big a deal, until I finished, took 1/2 an hour to stop shaking after I managed to get changed.

By: Karen Boddy Tue, 08 Nov 2016 21:33:19 +0000 I just ran this race as well, and couldn’t agree more with your review of the course. It is very flat, scenic and a nice little downhill bit at the end. It was my very first time doing and half marathon (actually, my very first time running 21.1KM’s!), and this was the perfect choice. It was very difficult to choose clothing that morning as the conditions were dramatically different from the start to the finish. Layers……that was the theme for me! Congratulations to you on an outstanding finish! Especially since you started 5 minutes later than the rest of us! You have a great finisher’s photo……..that chick on the left in the blue jacket and white hat is me!! What are the chances!!

By: Chelle Tue, 08 Nov 2016 14:53:54 +0000 In reply to Terry Morrish.

Yeah I think that’s the point where I noticed I was losing sensation in my hands!
It sounds like you run this race and path a lot! How many years have you done it for? 🙂
