Comments on: Fitness Friday: New Year’s Day Dash in Middleton, Wisconsin Sun, 10 Jan 2016 19:44:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chelle Sun, 10 Jan 2016 19:44:41 +0000 In reply to Melanie.

Thanks Mel!! I feel like the race kits generally freaking suck in Canada. They’re full of pamphlets (that I always throw out) and maybe a single Cliff bar. In all other countries not only are the race kits better, but they’re also cheaper! I think I only paid $25 for this race and I got a HUGE race kit alongside the experience. I’m looking at doing a half marathon in Iceland and do you know how much it costs there? Only $30! If you ran a half marathon in Canada it’ll cost you well over $100!!!

By: Chelle Sun, 10 Jan 2016 19:42:51 +0000 In reply to Lindsey Elyse.

Hah! That’s a good way of looking at it! It’s funny because the mile markers were bang on for the first 3 and then it just didn’t mesh up after that. So strange.

And yes! Usually they have tons of tasty treats inside them!

By: Melanie Sun, 10 Jan 2016 05:26:03 +0000 Okay so your time is unbelievable! (even with the shorter distance) Great job!

And wow the race kit seems so nice! That hat seems very substantial. I feel like race kits are getting way cheaper. I was thinking of doing Sporting Life this year for the first time, but I’m a bit disappointed about how much I feel like they downgraded the race kit. No more gift card as they’ve had in prior years I’ve heard.

All of your pics are super awesome too! They got some great shots of you! 🙂 Congrats again!

By: Lindsey Elyse Sun, 10 Jan 2016 01:18:38 +0000 Congratulations! What a great way to bring in the New Year (in terms of resolutions hehe.) I guess whoever calculated the distance wanted to cut everyone a bit of slack!
I looove race kits- I used to steal them from my Mum (mostly when they got Cliff Bars) and the hat you received is super cute 🙂

By: Chelle Sat, 09 Jan 2016 15:25:43 +0000 In reply to Meg Shannon.

Hah – I so was not feeling it that morning, but I’m glad I ran it. And yes! Running is soooo cheap and yet one of the more effective things you can do for your health. I fall in and out of consistency with it though. Sometimes I’m super rigid about training regularly and sometimes I go weeks without a run.
