Comments on: Fitness Friday: 2017 Scotiabank Waterfront Half Marathon Fri, 03 Nov 2017 14:56:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chelle Fri, 03 Nov 2017 14:56:10 +0000 In reply to Amelia.

It’s just so awkward (re: the signs)! The one I mentioned wasn’t THAT bad, but the one I saw after it was. And I’m kicking myself for not remembering what it was, but it’s not along the lines of “You’re doing all this just for a banana!”. Like THAT’s funny/amusing, but these other ones were just kind of like “knock you while you’re down”. It was just bizarre. I’ve never experience it before – not in this race and not in the other races I’ve (literally) run all over the world. So bizarre.

Regardless, for the most part, the signs were lovely and made me smile and chuckle. They’re such a huge part of a race… and I didn’t fully realize until I saw the ones that made me sour!

By: Amelia Fri, 03 Nov 2017 14:40:48 +0000 I love your race recaps, great job! The condescending sign part really shocked me, I can’t believe people would do that. It’s not funny or motivating at all. The tongue in cheek ones always make me LOL. I know that I would have been pretty upset about the rude ones as well.
