Comments on: Fitness Friday: 2018 Scotiabank Rat Race Fri, 22 Jun 2018 14:57:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chelle Fri, 22 Jun 2018 14:57:54 +0000 In reply to Jen S..

Hah, it’s all so relative isn’t it? This was actually one of the first races I ever ran back in 2006, and I think I had a time of like 35 minutes or something… which, by comparison now, I never would’ve thought I could run this fast back then!
New clothing is the worst and what you just described is my nightmare. Fiddling with stuff you have on you is AWFUL. I want to be completely unaware of what I’m running in, and when it’s moving around, sliding…. it’s seriously the absolute worst!

By: Jen S. Fri, 22 Jun 2018 13:43:45 +0000 Dude. So I’m sitting here totally jealous that you had a “bad race” and still got 27:17! But I know how you feel. When I did my half marathon in Philly, I wore something new – okay, 2 things new – and that ended poorly. I had picked up a race belt so I didn’t have to attach my bib to my shirt and, yeah… my shirt was slippery and the belt wouldn’t stay in place so I had to flip it to the back which meant no pictures! I also spent so much time messing with my shirt and the belt that it slowed me down and took my focus off of running. I think we can be our own worst enemy at times so while it wasn’t your goal time, given that you were in pain and things didn’t go as planned, I still think your time was good and it’s never totally bad for our body to give our brain a love tap every once in a while 😉
